
Embracing Earth Day: Sustainability Drives LDI's Future
Earth Day has evolved into a global movement with millions of people participating every year in sustainable activities including tree planting, clean-up events, educational programs and advocacy campaigns. At LDI, we have taken action to prioritize environmental changes through an initiative on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Locally, our commitment to starts with our employees. Last week, at our corporate headquarters, we handed out saplings for employees to plant and this week we are leading a clean-up week to recycle paper, corrugated and even electronics.
As we celebrate Earth Day, it's crucial to reflect on the strides made toward a more sustainable future. Our annual environmental impact includes, LDI diverting 275,000 tons of old corrugated containers from the landfills, 3.6 million less trees harvested, 350 million less KWH per year consumed, 150 million gallons of water saved, and 2.2 million tons less emissions of CO2 equivalent.
As we move forward, LDI reaffirms its dedication to sustainability, recognizing that our actions today shape the world of tomorrow. This Earth Day, we invite you to join us in forging a future where environmental stewardship and economic prosperity go hand in hand.